Vladimír Hruška’s Stone Jewelery

Stones help with meditation, relieve the stress of the past day, soothe and direct attention in the right direction. One feels pleasant and relaxed in their presence. They allow one to forget disturbing thoughts, stressful events or health problems and to devote themselves fully to the regeneration of mental and physical strength.
The Mineral Shop company has been offering you a range of minerals, fossils, stone jewelery and other related goods since 1988. Simply choose from the menu and have a look. Sit back, make yourself comfortable and be enchanted by the variety of colors and shapes that minerals offer. The offer is very broad and constantly updated, so be sure to return to the site and browse again and again; everyone will certainly find something to their liking.
I trust that you will be interested in the wide array of minerals, and I look forward to working with you.
Vodňanská 471
Týn nad Vltavou 375 01