When I go to Týn, then ...

The small south Bohemian town near the cooling towers of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant and known from the film Kameňák can be a highly interesting destination. When you know what to look for! Seek and you shall find ...
... even if it’s just tranquility – it’s worth it! After all, it’s important these days to know how to slow down and take a rest.
When you travel to Týn nad Vltavou, try to ask about the following locations. Your best bet is to try right at the information center on the square!
- Týnská lokálka (The Týn local) - take the train to Týn and enjoy the beautiful south Bohemian landscape. You might even have the good luck of traveling on a vintage train.
- Temelín Nuclear Power Plant - a power plant right out of The Simpsons is located near Týn nad Vltavou. Cooling towers, a guarded area, a visitor center and a park. A rather inconspicuous-looking château with an adjacent park serves as the visitor center, where you can learn a lot about nuclear energy. The park has a pond, a birf trail, a butterfly meadow and local organic honey! The power plant also offers tours into the guarded area.
- Vltava River - not far from Týn nad Vltavou is the Hněvkovice Reservoir (supplying water to the Temelín cooling towers), where you have to pass through a 15-meter deep lock; downstream you will shortly reach the Orlík Reservoir. You can rent paddleboards in Týn nad Vltavou for some active recreation. But if you really want to relax, take a sightseeing cruise, for example, towards Hluboká through the narrow passes.
- Revolving Stage - Týn nad Vltava also has a theater of this type. Český Krumlov isn’t the only town with a revolving stage! This technical monument is a European novelty. Local amateurs from the Vltavan Theater Company stage popular performances. Check at the Information Center for the program at the Revolving Stage, and they will be happy to help you make ticket reservations.
- Moldavite Museum - the local collection is often overlooked because of the one in Český Krumlov, but the one in Týn nad Vltavou is one of the largest and these cosmic "stones" should not be missed.
- Židova strouha (Židova Stream) - clearly a place of peace and tranquility. If you are looking for a hiking trip, set off to the Židova Stream - the local canyon-like stream changes according to the weather, so that it may be necessary to wade.
- Escape room - liven up your day as a Czech intelligence officer and try to keep yourself from falling into the hands of German soldiers.
- Týn nad Vltavou underground - beneath the square is a corridor over 300 meters long that you can enter with a guide – you’ll even see an ancient well.
- Semenec and Netěchovice - try an interactive museum – scientific or agricultural. Both are great and you will learn a lot.
- Rounding out the top ten is Mitrowicz Château in Koloděje nad Lužnicí - a unique building with a beautiful garden opens its gates for special events such as open garden days, local festivities, etc. So be sure to check if something is going on during your visit. Or you have the opportunity to stay at the castle, even during a wedding or as part of a larger group. See what it’s like to live in a château. Especially one awarded a Fénix Prize for restored monuments.