Visit places interesting for their atmosphere, location, or story. This category features special sites attractive for photography fans. It is up to you whether you take home an immortal keepsake in the form of a photograph from the place, or you just include the site in your memories.

Below the Hněvkovice Reservoir
Below the Hněvkovice Reservoir
The locks with a 16-meter differential is a great experience

Mitrowicz Château, Koloděje nad Lužnicí
Mitrowicz Château, Koloděje nad Lužnicí
Château in the evening

Berchtold Tomb, Neznašov
Berchtold Tomb, Neznašov
Tomb above the confluence of the Vltava and Lužnice

Mitrowicz Château, Koloděje nad Lužnicí
Mitrowicz Château, Koloděje nad Lužnicí
Winter château tranquility

On the way to Týn from České Budějovice – near Temelín.
On the way to Týn from České Budějovice – near Temelín.
The Temelín tower often offers much more than just energy.

Židova strouha (Židova Stream)
Židova strouha (Židova Stream)
To the Židova Stream on the yellow trail

Mitrowicz Château, Koloděje nad Lužnicí
Mitrowicz Château, Koloděje nad Lužnicí
Morning at Mitrowicz Château

Trail to Onen Svět
Trail to Onen Svět
From Týn upstream on the Lužnice River to Bechyně – all the way to Onen Svět